meet team Thought Bubble
Founder & Director
Nabil owns Travelling Man, the comic book shops, and is also a founder of Thought Bubble; having had a big hand in guiding and financing it from the start. Nabil stepped back into the day to day running of Thought Bubble in 2021 - wearing many hats in his role! Nabil is a massive Sparks fan (like follows them EVERYWHERE massive), is a prolific watcher of YouTube videos about planes and food, is official taste tester to his partner Kim-Joy, and is cat dad to two very adorable kittens, Inki and Mochi.
Festival Director
Martha moved from Plymouth to Leeds in 2003 and worked as an Administrator at the University of Leeds. In 2011 she volunteered at Thought Bubble, helping to set up the halls. In return she was given a weekend ticket and was completely blown away by all the incredible work on show, and all the lovely people. She contacted Lisa to ask if there was any work going. Lisa brought Martha in to help with a few bits, and years later she’s still here and loving every minute. In her spare time she sings in an electro pop band, and hangs out with her excellent daughter [edit: and excellent partner - sorry Stu!].
Festival Director
Amy started working at Thought Bubble in May 2018 and loves doing something new every time she comes into work. She previously worked at Leeds College of Art and fully believes that art should be for everyone. Outside of Thought Bubble Amy keeps several humans alive and is learning pottery, one wobbly pot at a time. Amy feels super awkward talking about herself in third person.
Festival Director
Chloë has been a part of the team since 2019. Working at Thought Bubble has given her the chance to indulge her lifelong love of art. In 2023, she graduated with a Master of Arts Degree in Illustration with Graphic Novel from Leeds Arts University! She makes her own comics too. Mostly, you’ll find Chloë walking her best pal, Eva, staring at plants, and drinking many, many black coffees.
Operations Manager
Steve joined Thought Bubble on its third year. Steve is a director of Travelling Man so his comic, board-game and geek knowledge comes in handy when planning the comic con. When Steve isn't making sure our convention weekend runs without a single hitch, you'll find him in fields wearing armour and carrying a large sword. Steve also supplies the whole office with bourbon biscuits…
Volunteer Coordinator
Pete has been a Thought Bubble volunteer since 2010, and the volunteer coordinator since 2014. He's been reading comics since he was but a small child and is on a one man mission to get Sean McKeever to come to Thought Bubble. When he's not managing volunteers at Thought Bubble he's busy managing the RSPCA York Animal Home, helping animals find their forever home. He loves Otters, feel free to send him pictures of otters.